2024 Admin 002 Resources

2024 Admin 002 Resources

Day 1 | January 23rd

9:30-11:30 a.m.
Welcome and Introductions

Presentation: Hit the Road Jack! Doing Your Homework
Jennifer Zellet, President/Superintendent, Antelope Valley College and Lonita Cordova, Vice President, Student Services, San Joaquin Delta CCD

11:30-1:00 p.m.
Lunch Break On Your Own

1:00-3:00 p.m.
Presentation: Get’n Ready: Putting it all Together
Tre’Shawn Hall Baker, Dean of Human Resources, Santa Monica College and Ajani Byrd, Dean of Institutional Equity, Inclusion & Diversity, Foothill College

Dean of Learning Resources and Academic Support

Day 2 | January 24th

8:15-8:55 a.m.
Coffee & Conversation, A Networking Opportunity (optional)

9:00-11:00 a.m.
Presentation: Interview Tips & Tricks
Andy MacNeill, Dean, School of Learning Resources & Academic Support, San Diego Mesa College

Matilda “Tillie” Chavez, Vice President of Instruction, San Diego City College

11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Lunch Break On Your Own

12:30-2:00 p.m.
ACCCAx Talk Presentations: A series of 15-minute xTalks by one of your session leads on a topic they are passionate about, and what they find can be a helpful nugget for your professional journey as you dive into administration.

Closing Remarks from the Team

Admin 002 Presenters and
Team Coordinators

Dr. Andrew MacNeill
Dean of Learning Resources and Academic Support
San Diego Mesa College

Dr. Lonita Cordova 
Assistant Superintendent/Vice President of Student Services
San Joaquin Delta CCD

Dr. Ajani M. Byrd
Dean of Institutional Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
Foothill College

Dr. Jennifer Zellet
Antelope Valley College

Dr. Tre’Shawn Hall-Baker
Dean of Human Resources
Santa Monica College

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