Legislative Bills Report

Legislative Bills Report
View the full list of bills here(Updated as of 10/4/2024)
As the legislative process progresses, we will continue to update this page with the bills that the CFLA has taken a stand on to support, watch or oppose.

AB 1542 (Fong)

Title: Board of Governors of The California Community Colleges: Student Members: Student Success Completion Grant Program Awards
Status: Senate Education Committee–Bill Did Not Meet Deadline
Position: Support

Summary: This bill would increase the pay of each student member of the Board of Governors to $4000 per semester via the Student Success Completion Grant.

Title: K-14 Classified Employees: Part-Time or Full-Time Vacancies: Public Postings
Status: Senate Appropriations Committee
Position: Oppose

Summary: This bill would require K-14 employers to offer classified job vacancies to current employees for ten business days before the education employer may offer the position to an external candidate. The bill does not prohibit an education employer from posting the new position to the general public during the ten-day period. Current classified employees who meet the minimum qualifications of the position at the time they apply shall have the right of first refusal for the position, and priority shall be given to current employees who work in the same classification as the position. If the part-time positions equal full-time threshold, the employee shall be eligible for the same benefits as full-time employees. Assembly Bill 2088 does not apply to management or confidential positions, or employees on performance improvement plans or involved in formal discipline.

AB 1818 (Jackson, D-Moreno Valley)

Title: Public Postsecondary Education:  Homeless Students: Parking
Status: Senate Appropriations Committee
Position: Oppose

Summary: This bill would require the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) and the California State University Chancellor’s Office to each establish a pilot program to allow overnight parking on campuses by eligible students. For the community college pilot program, the bill would require the CCCCO to determine a plan for implementing the pilot and to choose 20 campuses to participate in the pilot. The bill requires the plan to include a form that an eligible student seeking to access the overnight facilities must complete, information about monitoring of overnight parking for safety, and procedures for reporting and responding to threats, the designation of one or more parking areas on each pilot campus, overnight parking rules, and other requirements.  

The bill defines an eligible student as a student that attends a pilot campus, is enrolled in coursework, has paid enrollment fees, and is in good standing. The bill also requires the plan to provide an authorization that allows a student from any campus in a community college district to use the parking area of the pilot campus, provided that the participating student applies for an overnight parking permit. 

The bill specifies that if a participating campus implements overnight parking that complies with the bill’s provisions, then it would not be held civilly liable for a campus employee’s good faith act or omission that fails to prevent an injury to a participating student that occurs in, or in close proximity to, and during the hours of operation of, overnight parking. This immunity does not apply to gross negligence, intentional misconduct, or violations of other provisions of law.

AB 2193 (Holden, D-Pasadena)

Title:  Hazing: Educational Institutions: Civil Liability: Resources
Status: Senate Appropriations Committee
Position: Oppose

Summary: This bill would expressly prohibit a person from being subjected to hazing in any program or activity conducted by an educational institution that receives, or benefits from, state financial assistance or enrolls students who receive state student financial aid. The bill would, beginning January 1, 2026, establish civil  liability for an educational institution if (1) the institution has direct involvement in the hazing practice of the  organization, or knew or should have known of the hazing practice and failed to take reasonable steps to  stop the hazing practice, and (2) the organization involved in the hazing is affiliated with the educational  institution at the time of the alleged hazing incident. 

For purposes of determining whether an educational institution “knew or should have known of the hazing practice and failed to take reasonable steps to stop the hazing practice of the organization,” the bill would establish a rebuttable presumption that an educational institution took reasonable steps to address hazing if the educational institution had taken specified antihazing measures.

AB 2277 (Wallis, R-Palm Springs)

Title: Community Colleges: Part-Time Faculty
Status: Senate Appropriations Committee
Position: Oppose

Summary: This bill would require community college districts (CCDs), as a condition of receiving funding allocated for the Student Equity and Achievement Program, to increase the maximum amount of instructional hours that a part-time community college faculty member could teach at a community college from the range of 60- 67% of a full-time equivalent load to 80-85%. The bill would require CCDs to commence the negotiation of these terms no later than the expiration of any negotiated agreement in effect on January 1, 2025, and for any CCD that does not have a collective bargaining agreement in effect as of January 1, 2025. The bill would require, in all cases, part-time, temporary faculty assignments to be less than 30 hours per week, consistent with the terms and guidelines of the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

Amended: 5/16/2024
Title: Community Colleges: Baccalaureate Degree in Nursing Pilot Program

Status: Assembly Appropriations Committee
Position: Support

Summary: This bill would also require the California Community College Chancellor’s Office to develop a Baccalaureate Degree in Nursing Pilot Program that authorizes select community college districts (CCDs) to offer a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. The pilot program, which would sunset on January 1, 2031, would be limited to 15 CCDs statewide and would require the Chancellor’s Office to identify eligible CCDs based on the following criteria:

  • There is equitable access between the northern, central, and southern parts of the state to the pilot program
  • Priority is given to CCDs in underserved nursing areas
  • The community college district has a nationally accredited nursing program

The total number of participants in a pilot program at a CCD would be limited to 25% of the CCD’s associate degree in nursing class size. The bill would also require the Legislative Analyst’s Office to conduct an evaluation of the pilot program to determine its effectiveness and the need to continue or expand the program.

AB 252 (Holden)

Amended: 6/19/2024
Title: The College Athlete Protection Act

Status: Senate Education Committee–Bill Did Not Meet Deadline
Position: Watch

Summary: This bill would require institutions of higher education to establish a degree completion fund for its college athletes. The bill would require colleges to distribute to each college athlete a notice containing college athlete rights and would require the institution to post this notice in a conspicuous location frequented by college athletes. The bill would prohibit an institution of higher education, its employees, coaches, and affiliated medical personnel from retaliating against a college athlete for filing a complaint or reporting a violation of college athlete rights provided in this bill.

AB 1160 (Pacheco)

Amended: 7/03/2024
Title: Protecting Students from Creditor Colleges Act

Status: Senate Appropriations Committee
Position: Oppose

Summary: This bill would prohibit a public or private postsecondary school from refusing to provide a diploma for a student on the grounds that the student owes a debt, conditioning the provision of a diploma on the payment of a debt, charging a higher fee for obtaining a diploma, providing less favorable treatment of a diploma request because a student owes a debt, or using a diploma issue as a tool for debt collection. The bill would also prohibit a college from charging a higher tuition or fee, failing to confer a degree on a student that has satisfied all academic requirements for their course of study, or otherwise preventing a student from reenrolling, registering, or graduating at the college on the grounds that the student owes an institutional debt. The bill would require the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges and the Trustees of the California State University to require each public institution to report, by July 1, 2026, using a specified uniform format, and on a biennial basis, specified information regarding the number and dollar amount of institutional debts at each institution.

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