SASS Professional Liability Coverage

SASS Professional Liability Coverage

While employed by a public school district, community college district or State University, all ACCCA members receive $1 million in Professional Liability Coverage. Covered claims and lawsuits include those arising out of your employment activities with a public school district, community college district or State College or State University.

In addition to the excess liability coverage, the policy also provides up to $2,500 coverage to reimburse you for attorney’s fees incurred in the successful defense of a criminal charge arising from your employment. It also will reimburse you for up to $1,000 paid for bail bond required in connection with a criminal charge arising from your employment.

Immediately report the suit or claim to your school district. California Government Code 825 requires all public employees to report claims to their employer. Your employer is required to provide you with defense (an attorney) as well as to pay any settlement or judgment against you. This policy is excess of all indemnification and insurance which is available to you through your employer.

ACCCA’s professional liability insurance coverage is provided by AP Keenan, an ACCCA Corporate member.

For additional information or access to coverage, please email Zee Morales or call (949) 940-1760.

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