Member Dues

Member Dues

As you were recently advised your ACCCA dues are being adjusted for the 2020-21 year, the first time in six years any increase was made. Careful consideration went into the decision to adjust dues, and that determination was made before COVID-19 eliminated all program revenues for our summer programs. Therefore, this modest adjustment is now even more urgent to keep ACCCA fully operational and to avoid any reduction in services, programs, or benefits.

Our process requires us to obtain your authorization prior to any rate adjustment. Please complete the form below and indicate your acceptance with your signature. We will forward your authorization to your payroll department to complete the adjustment.

$0 – $99,99
$100,000 – $149,999
$150,000 – $199,999
$200,000 and over

"*" indicates required fields


Monthly Payroll Deduction

To change to payroll deduction, please select the appropriate salary range below based on your annual salary and your district's schedule for payroll (10 or 12 month).
Dues Levels - 10 Month Deduction:
Dues Levels - 12 Month Deduction:
*Note: That a 10% contribution to ACCCA-PAC will be added to support advocacy efforts on your behalf unless otherwise indicated.
By signing below (type your first and last name), you authorize ACCCA to adjust the rate of your voluntary membership dues deduction effective July 1, 2020 and to have your district payroll department deduct the selected dues amount from your payroll.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
Fields marked with * are required.

Your form submission WILL be encrypted using SSL to ensure your privacy.

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