ACCCA, The Association of California Community College Administrators, is the foremost member-supported professional organization for administrators and managers of California’s community college campuses. Comprising 73 districts and 116 colleges, the California Community Colleges make up the largest higher education system in the nation — providing a gateway to higher education for over 2.1 million students per year. As you will see when you tour this site, ACCCA seeks to provide its members with services, benefits, products and programs that will enhance their professional lives.
Established in 1975, ACCCA is a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of administrator’s rights. ACCCA provides insurance benefits, publications, professional development opportunities, business partnerships, advocacy, counseling and assistance to over 1,000 full time administrators, associate members, affiliates and corporate members. At ACCCA, a small administrative staff headquartered in Sacramento, selected independent contractors and a vast workforce of volunteers carry out the work of the Association. Our volunteers are the board, commission, committee members and our campus reps.
The ACCCA Board is a 16 to 18 member governing body whose members are elected by the membership to three-year staggered terms. The Board operates on the recommendations of the Executive Committee-a standing committee of the Board who are its officers-the President, President-Elect, 2nd Vice President and Immediate Past President. The administrative functions of the Association are carried out by the Executive Director and staff. The Executive Director is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Association including state and federal reporting, monitoring personnel and the work of ACCCA’s paid contractors, keeping accurate membership records and preparing reports for the board’s review. This work requires the Director to liaison with each of the standing committees and the six working commissions of the Board on a constant basis.
Our Vision
ACCCA will be recognized as the premier organization for developing exemplary administrators to lead and serve California community colleges.
Our Mission
ACCCA develops and supports current and future California community college administrators through professional development, networking and advocacy.
Our Values
ACCCA values leadership excellence through:
- Collaboration based on trust
- Commitment to service and quality
- Ethical and effective advocacy
- Honesty, integrity and professionalism
- Respect for uniqueness, diversity and creativity