ACCCA strives to build productive working relationships with other organizations and agencies that share our passion for the California Community Colleges, and the talented professionals that manage them.
Most ACCCA members are also active in one or more professional groups and fostering collaboration with them is one of the best ways we can support our members and our colleges. Below is a listing of the organizations and agencies ACCCA collaborates with:
Professional organizations and affinity groups

The Accrediting Commission for Community & Jr. Colleges (ACCJC)
The Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) accredits associate degree granting institutions in the Western region of the U.S. ACCJC operates under the corporate entity the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). The ACCJC is one of seven regional accrediting commissions. The ACCJC is authorized to operate by the U.S. Department of Education through the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008.

African American Male Education Network & Development (A2MEND)
Dr. Amanuel Gebru, President
The African American Male Educational Network and Development (A²MEND) organization is comprised of African American male administrators who utilize their scholarly and professional expertise to foster institutional change within the community college system. We aim to create an affirming academic and professional environment for African Americans with a particular focus on African American male students, faculty, staff, and administrators.

American Association of Community Colleges (AACC)
Dr. Walter Bumphus, President
Community colleges are centers of educational opportunity. They are an American invention that put publicly funded higher education at close-to-home facilities, beginning nearly 100 years ago with Joliet Junior College. Since then, they have been inclusive institutions that welcome all who desire to learn, regardless of wealth, heritage, or previous academic experience. The process of making higher education available to the maximum number of people continues to evolve at 1,167 public and independent community colleges. When the branch campuses of community colleges are included, the number totals about 1,600. This section is your resource for community college statistics, historical information and facts.

Asian Pacific Americans in Higher Education (APAHE)
Dr. Rowena Tomaneng, President
Asian Pacific Americans in Higher Education is dedicated to enhancing the educational opportunities for Asian and Pacific American students; promoting and supporting the hiring, retention, and advancement of qualified Asian and Pacific American faculty, staff, and administrators; and creating a better understanding of issues in the public affecting Asian and Pacific Americans in higher education.

Association of Chief Business Officials (ACBO)
Aaron Brown, President
The Association of Chief Business Officials offers business officers in California opportunities to develop professionally, to identify issues affecting community colleges, and to share their expertise with their colleagues. Our membership includes 74 districts, 116 California community colleges with over 1.8 million students.

Association of Chief Human Resource Officers (ACHRO)
Charo Albarran, President
The Association of Chief Human Resource Officers (ACHRO) is a non-profit organization assisting the Chief Human Resource Officers and staff in the California Community College system. ACHRO/EEO is your organization, representing you, your professional needs and interests.

CCC Association of Occupational Educators (CCCAOE)
Tina L. Recalde, President
The primary missions of the Colleges are to offer academic (transfer) and vocational education at the lower division level for younger and older students, including those persons returning to school. Another primary mission is to advance California’s economic growth and global competitiveness through education, training, and services that contribute to continuous work force improvement and to offer basic skills instruction.

California Community College Classified Senate (4CS)
Trisha Albertsen, President
4CS is a non-profit organization, formed by the California Community College’s classified staff to serve as the statewide classified senate. 4CS supports the leadership roles of classified staff in the governance of the California Community College System through the development and support of local senates, advocating increased involvement at the state level, and promoting leadership skills among classified staff.

CCC Student Affairs Association (CCCSAA)
Megan Bottoms, President
For over 60 years, CCCSAA has been the professional association that focuses on networking, student and professional development, and advocating for the field of Student Affairs and Student Leadership within the California Community College system. Members of CCCSAA include Community College Deans of Students, Student Life Directors and Coordinators, Student Union Managers, Student Government Advisors, Inter-Club Council Advisors, Graduate Students and more!

California Competes
Su Jin Gatlin Jez, Executive Director
California Competes develops non-partisan and financially pragmatic recommendations for improved policies and practices in California higher education. Opportunity, creativity, enterprise, efficiency, and growth are the hallmarks of economic development and the lens through which California Competes helps the state improve postsecondary education in order to drive economic growth and vibrant communities today and tomorrow.

Community College League of California (CCLC)
Larry Galizio, President/CEO
The Community College League of California is a nonprofit public benefit corporation whose voluntary membership consists of the 72 local community college districts in California. Within the League are two major organizations which share a common mission, staff and fiscal resources: the California Community College Trustees (CCCT) and the Chief Executive Officers of the California Community Colleges (CEOC
CC). The Community College League of California is a non-profit public benefit corporation whose voluntary.

Community College Public Relations Organization (CCPRO)
Peter Griggs, President
The statewide Community College Public Relations Organization is a professional development and service organization that seeks to promote excellence in California’s Community College public relations and related professionals. The organization serves as a central resource of information and proves counsel and assistance relating to the advancement of community colleges statewide and the professional growth of its members.

The Foundation for California Community Colleges
Keetha Mills, President/CEO
Our mission is to benefit, support, and enhance the California Community College system. As the official foundation of the California Community Colleges’ Board of Governors and Chancellor’s Office, the Foundation is a unique 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides effective services and innovative solutions for the largest higher education system in the nation. Foundation programs reach all 112 California Community Colleges and 72 districts, and several are expanding nationwide.

Research & Planning Group (RP Group)
Erik Cooper, President
The RP Group strengthens the abilities of California community colleges to gather, analyze, and act on information in order to strengthen student success. Grounded in our roots as a professional association for researchers and planners, the RP Group provides research, evaluation, technical assistance and professional development services that support evidence-based decision making and inquiry.