Commissions and Committees

Commissions and Committees

Getting the most out of your ACCCA membership might mean getting more involved.  One of the best ways to do that is to join an ACCCA commission or committee.

Getting active on a dedicated commission, or participating in the shorter term work of a committee, can be geared to your own preferences and is directly connected to building your professional network.

As a commission member you’ll get first-hand information and develop useful contacts and resources around the state. You’ll also expand your understanding of the complex issues impacting community colleges at the state level, and have the opportunity to influence decisions with a campus perspective.

ACCCA commissions have provided outstanding professional development opportunities and advanced advocacy for California community college leaders for decades. Take your ACCCA membership to the next level this year by joining one of ACCCA’s established commissions.

ACCCA Commissions

The experience of participating as a member of an ACCCA commission affords you many opportunities to work with your colleagues on compelling issues and contributes to your own professional development.

Standing Committees of the Board

If you have an interest in volunteering for a commission or committee, or running for the Board, you can take the quick volunteer preferences survey and contact Susan Bray for further information on meeting schedules and criteria.

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