Each year, ACCCA honors the author(s) of a substantial research project or dissertation that significantly contributes to our understanding of the effectiveness of community colleges and higher education.
ACCCA created this award to honor their work, and to encourage continued research on substantive issues facing higher education and/or community colleges.
Award recipient(s) are selected by a review committee of ACCCA Board representatives along with representatives of the Management Development Commission (MDC) and the Research and Planning Group (RP Group).
Those eligible include the authors of research completed within the past two years and nominations may be made by the author, an organization sponsoring the research or the research team.
Submissions should include an abstract (2 pages max), and an Executive Summary of the research (20 pages max). The committee may request additional information if needed.
Recipients of each award will receive a $500 honorarium cash from the David Mertes Research Award Fund, and have their abstract published online by ACCCA.
Submission Criteria
- Submission of an abstract (1 to 2 pages) and an executive summary (not to exceed 20 pages) describing the research. It is not necessary to submit the entire research document.
- The research must have been completed within the prior two years.
- The research must address specific issues of concern to California community colleges that have operational and/or policy implications and/or the potential to shape the future of community colleges in California.
- The author(s) must provide written consent to have their Executive Summary published on the Association’s website.
Selection Criteria
Members of the Selection Committee will consider the following questions:
- Is the research topic of current interest?
- Is the research of superior quality in its methodology, its completeness and clarity of style? Is the methodology rigorous, objective, and valid? Does the research thoroughly address and answer the question(s) it poses?
- Do the research findings have actionable steps or policy implications at the institutional, community, state, regional and/or national level(s)?
- Does the research add to the reader’s understanding of the California community colleges?
To submit a nomination, complete the form and upload the summary and abstract documents along with any additional letters of support for the nomination.
2018 Award-Winning Project
2015 Award-Winning Project
2014 Award-Winning Project
- Long Beach City College – Promising Pathways to Success: Using Evidence to Dramatically Increase Student Achievement
2014 Mertes Nominees
- Steven Crow – The Significance of the Transfer Mission for the California Community Colleges
- Dr. Diane Fiero – What’s Working: Program Factors Influencing California Community College Basic Skills Mathematics Students’ Advancement to Transfer Level
- RP Group – Student Support (Re)defined
2011 Award-Winning Project
2009 Award-Winning Projects