Regional Events Information

Regional Events Information

The ten members of the Regional Member Council are the leaders of their region and responsible for building community among the administrators in their region and regularly communicating with their Campus Reps to create opportunities to expand the ACCCA member network and inform potential members about the benefits of ACCCA membership.

One tool that is provided to accomplish this, and provide impactful, topic-driven discussions, presentations, training and networking opportunities in their region, is to host and ACCCA Regional Event.  The good news is that ACCCA has made it incredibly easy to bring an event to a campus near you!


We are excited to announce our next Regional Event in regions 3 & 4!

Strategic Leadership & Well-Being: Nurturing Your Best Self While Navigating Politics & Conflict as an Administrator – presenters Dr. Geisce Ly, Dr. Lonita Cordova and Dr. Sara Parker

WHEN: March 25, 2025 | 8:30a – 3:30p
WHERE: Skyline College 
WHO: Regions 3 & 4

Our Regional Event is made possible by our generous sponsor, Climatec!


Planning Checklist:

For a Regional Event to be successful, whether initiated by a region or by ACCCA, it’s planning process should include the following considerations:

Development of the event plan should occur within a standard timeline and well in advance of the anticipated event date [a minimum of 3-4 months in advance of the event date] with a clear articulation of site, host, venue, communications, presenters/panelists if applicable, assigned onsite volunteers etc.] 

The selection of the location for the event should be a campus within the region, provide for accessibility standards and have access to sufficient catering services either by the college or by off-site vendors.

 The Event should have a defined budget that includes the cost per participant to ACCCA and identification of a sponsor or other additional funding source, if possible, to offset cost to the participant and this is the responsibility of ACCCA staff to secure.  Support from co sponsorships by affiliate or business/corporate partners will be considered to fully fund an event.

Once approved for facilitation, staff will articulate a communication plan to work with the Campus Rep/RM to engage as many regional members/administrators as possible and publicize the activity post-event.  Local promotions should articulate the intended audience, a description of content or presenter biographical sketch and sufficient logistics details.  Wider communications will congratulate the region on a successful event and include testimonials.

Each event should have a defined purpose, goal or contain articulated content that is deemed to be beneficial to the members and administrators in the region.  What is the need that this event is hoping to address?  The Management Development Commission (MDC) will be consulted on all training content development, selection of presenters and keynotes, and curriculum outlines. at the event.

Each Regional Event must have time dedicated on the agenda for a brief ACCCA member recruitment opportunity.  A defined discount on membership dues or other incentive should be offered to anyone who signs up.

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