As a community college administrator, you occupy a unique position that isn’t always an easy one. You’re dedicated to, and serve your institution, students, faculty, colleagues and your community, and with that comes the pressure of being in the middle–of all of it. At the end of the day, they’re looking at you to be the problem solver.
So, who’s looking out for you? Your colleagues in ACCCA know what you go through each day because they go through it too. ACCCA is the foremost member-supported professional organization for administrators and managers of California’s community college system for a reason. If you are already a member, we thank you for supporting the organization that supports you.
If you have yet to join, we are here to answer any questions you might have, and we look forward to serving you as one of our valued members.
If you are a retired administrator ACCCA is a place for you too. Many of the benefits our working administrator-members enjoy can transfer to you in retirement. If you are a company interested in joining ACCCA as a Business Member, click here.
Here are some good reasons why over 1200 administrators, managers, retired administrators and companies who do business with community colleges have joined our coalition:
Professional Development Opportunities & Continuous Networking
- A highly regarded annual conference, workshops, webinars and seminars to keep you current and your skills sharp
- Unique progressive professional development and training programs–Admin 101 and Admin 201—will take you to the next level
- A year-long Mentor Program pairs you with a seasoned administrator for a structured mentorship experience unlike any other
- Facilitation of your participation in state-level committees and commissions or leadership on the Board gets you out there and noticed
- Learning and training programs designed by YOU for YOU
- A Program Guide to help you determine which professional development options
Alliant University has partnered with ACCCA to offer an education discount to our members. ACCCA Members receive a 10% tuition reduction discount for new full-time students.
Education Benefits
- ACCCA provides professional advocacy from an
Administrator’s perspective
- Emailed legislative alerts to mobilize members to action when necessary
- Information and analysis on the issues and policy affecting your job, your college and district
- Representation at the Consultation Council, before the Board of Governors and other state agencies
- The only member-supported political action committee for administrators, ACCCA-PAC—working for you
- Online job announcements are available through JobTrac — ACCCA’s online job listing service
- An annual compensation/Salary Survey of administrators compares your district’s administrative salary and benefits with others in the system
- A link to your fellow ACCCA members with the online member directory
- Access tried and true services and products by using the online services directory of ACCCA Business Partners
ACCCA, along with , provides free legal services to all members. Members have unlimited free telephone legal consultation for a wide range of legal matters, including any work-related and employer-employee issues. The service also covers civil, consumer, family, real estate, landlord/tenant, motor vehicle, criminal, immigration, and estate planning issues through:
- Unlimited free phone consultation
- A free one-hour, in-person legal consultation with an attorney matched to you
- Will preparation assistance
- Discounted document preparation
- An optional National Identity Theft Prevention and Response Program
- 25% discount on billable hours
Insurance & Exclusive Discount Programs
For over 35 years, ACCCA has provided insurance and discount benefits to members through ACSA/SASS (School Administrators Special Services). As a member of your professional association, you are also a member of SASS and eligible for all of the benefits listed below:
Who’s looking out for you? ACCCA is.